Due to my need to sign up for insurances here in Germany (see car, legal expenses, etc), I asked myself:
“How do expats deal with that insurance topic?”
So I went out to two Facebook groups for expats in Germany and asked that question. These are the results I got:
In short, the three top most insurances are:
- Health insurance
- Third party liability insurance
- Car insurance
I find it interesting that TPL is ranked second and car insurance is only ranked third. Perhaps some folks thought that I meant “Car TPL” with the TPL, which is the one that’s required by law. Anyhow, it’s still an interesting result, I find.
Personally, I don’t really like insurances and I try to avoid as many as possible. But Germans love insurances for some reason. I heard someone say a few years ago:
“If there would be an insurance for not having the right insurance, Germans would sign up for that.”
Perhaps that’s a market gap right there? 🙂
A good way to start looking for an insurance of any kind is Tarifcheck24. It’s a great comparison website for insurances and it’ll help you find the best deal.
It’s different with my country. In which people don’t really like insurance. If not cause of regulation of government, I think that may be the society is also avoid to pay the health insurance.. haha. The link that had you possed “Tarifcheck24”, it’s useful, thanks