Because my current work and freetime activity is covered by the scope of J2ME software development I was very interested when fok sent me an article link. It is about Java games on mobile phones, their development, their ‘portability’ and many many more interesting experiences written by one of the most famous game developer world wide – John Carmack, technical director at Id Software, the mother of Doom, Quake, Heretic, Hexen, Wolfenstein, Spear of Destiny, Commander Keen and so on.
After a couple of time for reading his comment, we see eye to eye 😉 J2ME is slow, it is not consistent implemented because this depends on the manufactors of such mobile devices which seem to be unable to read specifications and implement them in the right way! OK, enough of grumbling!
Anyway, for our issues J2ME is the perfect choice and works fine. However, the link comes below, enjoy reading:
Cell phone adventures
Java games on mobile phones
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